PETS News Version 5
PETS News concerning updates to the software, new tools and any newly uploaded Videos can be found here.
Software Upgrade 5.0.2
- The Stream Properties Tool has new Mole Fraction Liquid and Mass Fraction Liquid Specifications.
New ToolS 5.0.2
The Weir Flow Tool calculates flows through weirs including: Francis Formula, and ISO3846/ISO1438 calculations for open channel flows, broad and thin-plate weirs.
Stream Properties Tool streams can be used to perform Flash calculations. Create an inlet and outlet stream. Enter a composition and conditions for the inlet stream. The outlet stream can remain blank as it is overwritten by the Flash Tool. The outlet stream contains the composition and all the flows and properties of the flashed inlet stream.
Software Upgrade 5.0.1
The most recent steam tables calculations solver is improved.
The Stream Properties / Flash Tool calculations solver is improved.
- Single component cryogenic properties and flashes for H2, CO2, Ar, He, O2 and N2..
- Minor Bug Fixes.
New ToolS 5.0.1
The Relief Valve tool sizes and evaluates relief valves for Vapor, Liquid-Liquid Trim, Liquid-Vapor Trim, Steam, 2 Phase/Flux, or Steam as Vapor. Conventional, balanced bellows, and pilot operated valves can be selected.
The Thermal Expansion Pressure Rise – Liquid tool calculates the rise in pressure due to hydraulic expansion from heating in a blocked-in scenario.
Website Update
The PETS Case Study: Hydraulics, Pump, Control valve, Flow Orifices and Piping Video is available on YouTube.
Website Update
After several request for a video on how to get PETS Tool data into a spreadsheet. The New Getting Data into a Spreadsheet Training Video is here.
Website Update
New Physical Property ToolS Stream Properties Flash Training Video uploaded.
Website Update
New Pressure Drop ToolS Convert Pipe Diameter, Orifice & Venturi, Control Valve and Pipe System Hydraulic Training Videos uploaded.
Website Update
New Pressure Drop ToolS Pressure Drop and Fittings Equivalent Length Training Video uploaded.
Website Update
New Getting Started Video and Pressure Drop ToolS Static Head Training Videos uploaded.
Software Releases
Version 5.0 of the Process Engineering ToolS (PETS) software is now available for purchase !
New ToolS 5.0
The Aqueous Liquid NaOH/Caustic Tool calculates physical properties for a caustic stream at a specified caustic weight percent and temperature.
The Convert Pipe Diameter Tool converts equivalent lengths of various pipe diameters to a single pipe diameter equivalent length, or converts the equivalent length of one pipe diameter to the equivalent length of another pipe diameter.
The Volume and Area Calculations Tool calculates the Total Volume and Total Surface area including heads if any, for: Spheres, Horizontal Cylinders, Vertical Cylinders (Tanks), Spheroid/Ellipsoid or Circles. The Tool also calculates Volume and Surface Area between low level and high level if levels are entered.
The Level Alarms Tool calculates the total volume, volume between operational stops and alarm levels given times or alarm times given levels for: Spheres, Horizontal Cylinders, Vertical Cylinders (Tanks) and Spheroid/Ellipsoid.
The Liquid Hydrocarbon Viscosity Blending Tool estimates the viscosity of a liquid hydrocarbon blend at a single temperature given the individual component’s viscosities at that temperature.
Hydrocarbon Density Estimate: given a hydrocarbon density at one temperature, calculates the hydrocarbon density at other temperatures.
The Depressuring tool calculates the time it takes to depressure a given all gas system volume or the depressuring orifice diameter.
The Thermal Expansion Relief Flow – Liquid tool calculates the required relief flow due to liquid thermal expansion from Solar, Ambient and Additional thermal inputs.
The Atmospheric Tank Fill/Thermal Outbreathing tool calculates the vent flows required for tank filling and thermal outbreathing.
The Atmospheric Tank Empty/Thermal Inbreathing tool calculates the vent flows required for tank emptying and thermal inbreathing.
Tool Upgrades 5.0
The most recent steam tables IAPWS-IF97 are included.
Henry’s law calculations added for: Air, CO, CO2, H2, H2S, Argon, Helium, SO2, N2 and O2.
Argon and Helium added as components.
Gauge pressures are calculated by the ToolS where helpful.
When entering a pseudocomponent NBP a suggested API is provided. This suggested API can be changed by the user.
Improved hydrocarbon surface tensions.
- Enhanced Rigorous Air-Cooled single-phase exchanger.
Fittings Equivalent Lengths Tool added features: sharp entrance and inward projection; convergent and divergent tee branches; reducer and expander wizard.
Pipe Pressure Drop Tool added features: obtain fluid data from a previously created stream, warnings such as chocked flow, flow regime information.
Control Valves Cv profile, warnings, chocked DP added, obtain suction and discharge properties from created streams.
Pipe System Hydraulics Tool added new features Get Fluid Data and enhanced the Pipe System Modifications.
Enhanced Rigorous 1-phase Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers Tool.
Upgraded Separator Drum Sizing Tool.
Program Updates
- PETS® program is Windows 10 compatible.
The new HelpFile is also Windows 10 compatible.
- This new version is completely backwards compatible with all previous versions.
- Units of measure can be set for each file in addition to a program default.
Local atmospheric pressure can be set for each file in addition to a program default.
Up to 20 ToolS per file up from the previous limit of 15.
The ability to pull data from one Tool into another.
PETS® files may be imported into each other.
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Software Releases
The highly anticipated release of Process Engineering ToolS 5.0 is coming soon.